Amiosec Visitor Policy

Due to Covid-19, upon entering an Amiosec office, visitors will be required to submit limited track and trace information and agree to our policy below. If you have any concerns, please discuss this with your Amiosec contact prior to attending.

1. Your contact information will be used for the purposes of:

• Safeguarding the welfare of staff and visitors to Amiosec office locations in relation to Covid-19;
• Maintaining site security audit logs; and
• Following fire and evacuation measures.

2. Your data will be retained for one month and you will be required to provide the same information should you visit again.

3. You confirm that, at the time of your visit to Amiosec, as far as you are aware:

• You do not have Covid-19;
• No member of your household has Covid-19; and
• There are no reasons that you should self-isolate under guidance, laws or regulations applicable to you.

4. You will follow the safety measures highlighted by our staff or presented on the notices throughout our offices. This may include the wearing of a face mask in certain areas unless you are exempt.

5. You will notify Amiosec as soon as possible should you be required to self-isolate within 14 days of visiting Amiosec.

6. If you cannot agree to any of the points above please speak to your Amiosec contact.